Home » Express Entry vs PNP: Which one should I apply to?

Express Entry vs PNP: Which one should I apply to?

by lebizcanada
Express Entry

Express entry & Canadian provincial nominees represent the 2nd largest channels for new arrivals every year into Canada, among the many other programs run by immigration refugees citizenship Canada.

That means that up to 220,770 newcomers will arrive in Canada via these two channels in 2024 out of a total of 485,000 immigrants into the country.

However, for people who want to migrate to Canada, they may ask themselves: should I file my profile under Express Entry or Base PNP? It is worth noting that both routes have their own merits. In this section we shall look at how you can make your choice between basic and enhanced PNPs.

What is Express Entry?

Canada’s major immigration routes include the Express Entry application management system.

  • Express Entry handles three immigration programs:
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC).

For instance, in 2024, Express Entry will be the largest single way for immigrants into Canada. These programs are intended to bring in about 110,700 permanent residents to the country.

Each of these three programs has at least one individual requirement which must be met before a person can provide a profile for inclusion in the pool of potential candidates for Express Entry. In case someone’s eligibility is verified and they submit their profiles under any of the available programs through Express entry, then such individuals become official Express Entry candidates who possess a profile in the pool.

When you submit your profile to Category based express entry Pool, all candidates have been assigned Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores based on human capital factors like work experience and other characteristics.

Now, applicants should wait for a Canada Express Entry draw (either a general draw or a program specific one) that has the minimum CRS score corresponding to their CRS score in order to receive an initiation- apply (ITA)- application. After submitting successfully, an Express entry Alberta profile will be valid for twelve months with the candidate having the option of  z express & re-submitting it after expiry.

On receipt of an ITA, candidates become applicants and present their PR application within sixty days from the day they were invited by the government to apply. Upon approval of this application, immigrants are given permanent residence and can live in Canada. More details about Express Entry can be found on our dedicated webpage.

This is possible through special Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) streams known as enhanced streams. These are different from standalone or Base PNP streams (more on Base PNP streams…).

Enhanced streams nominate individuals to submit an enhanced PNP application to the province or territory through invitation from the Federal Express Entry pool or from the provincial/territorial pool of eligible candidates. Those who receive provincial nominations obtain an additional 600 CRS points, which boost their chances of obtaining ITA from the Federal Government. Find our dedicated webpage here to help you understand more about enhanced PNP streams.

What are Base Provincial Nominee Programs (Base PNPs)?

Base PNPs are not Express Entry-aligned streams that are handled by a given province or territory. Such streams need separate applications and have different eligibility criteria (more on this later).

Provinces and territories can nominate eligible individuals under Base Provincial Nominee Programs (or simply Base PNPs) as one way of responding more directly to local demographic and labour market needs.

Each Canadian province and territory (except Nunavut which is also self-governing but does not have its own specialised immigration programs, and Quebec) has its own PNP. The eligibility depends on the particular program one applies for,

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engage with culture, communicate with others, and accessed information; without a well-develop reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were exclude from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disable people in general suffer from discrimination, blindness was widely view as the worst disability, and it was commonly believe that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was consider impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were exclude from the sight world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.


Q1.  How to create an express entry profile?

  1. Eligibility Check: Determine if you qualify by answering a few questions.
  2. Create Your Profile: Fill out the online form with your details.
  3. Submission and Evaluation: Submit your profile and wait for invitations based on ranking.

Q2. Express Entry vs PNP: Which one should I apply to?

  1. Express Entry: Fast, flexible, and nationwide. Ideal for those with high CRS scores.
  2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): Tied to specific provinces, offers additional points. Great if your occupation is in demand. Choose based on your goals! 🇨🇦

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